New Dynaudio Confidence 50 and 60

Does anyone know about these new floorstanders? Dynaudio introduced them in the Munich Audio Show last week.


I was planning to upgrade my system to Dynaudio C4 with Mcintosh 452 Power Amp and Mcintosh C 52 Preamp. Then I heard about the new Confidence series from Dynaudio. Should I wait for the new Confidence 50 instead of the old C4. Can't find any reviews on Confidence 50. Am ready to wait. Please share your experience with these new series from Dynaudio. Thanks 

Also in the video clips of Dynaudio room in Munich, I saw they were using Simaudio monoblocs. These are also available here in Mumbai. So suggestions for Amp and Pre for these new Dynaudio 50s would help me greatly in taking a decision.
Will these new speakers have time compensated 1st order acoustic crossovers? If not, then GTFO!