Schiit not shipping

Anybody else only receiving lip service instead of customer service from Schiit Audio? In March I ordered three products and today May 28th they say they have no idea when any might ship, saying the Freya production is stopped. Back order dates have come and gone without any explanation or contact. 
My Freya, albeit with non stock Sylvania 6SN7GTBs, projects a perfectly balanced soundstage with depth and air unless the recording has none, in which case it produces that also.
I was just getting ready to prepare to order a Yaggy. 

I'm still checking on it. 
Interesting wolf, I couldn’t get any depth out of the Saga no matter what I tried, where as with the Parasound P5 in the same exact system it was present when recordings had it. Perhaps the Freya is indeed better in this regard than the Saga.  But  at any rate I got tired of having to flick the power switch and my sub could not do much with the second set of pre outs.  YMMV.
Is Schiit Audio a Chinese company? I received an email from the order dept on 12/23 which stated


We are currently in China celebrating the Holidays with our families . If you need assistance please e-mail

      Thank You

   Schiit Audio
