Best Home Theater sub or subs for a large room

I am building a dedicated large home theater. The dimensions are going to be 32 feet by 25 feet. There will be three levels of seating. The back of the room will have an 8 foot ceiling. The front will have an 11 foot ceiling.

How many subs?
Which ones are recommended?
Where would you place them?

I would like to spend less than $2500 for the sub or subs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The room is modeled after a theater at See:

If you have the ability, the Infinite Baffle sub systems are the way to go. The is a forum called "Infinitely Baffled" that has tons of info, and I did it in my room, which is a couple feet narrower than yours. I used (4) 15" drivers in 2 manifolds in the floor, the bass is better that any sub I ever owned (Velo, Def Tech, Earthquake, etc.) for movies, and music. I use them all the time. The effect of the floor shaking is the best for movies. Anything else for a dedicated theater is not going to be as good, IMHO.
You will not believe it, and the total system, which included the 4 drivers, 2 pro amps, 1 xover, and the wood for the manifolds was around $1000.
Good Luck !!
I would recommend Velodyne DD18 to shake your nice room. I have been using it since October last year and literally, my neighbor has reported me of shaking his house at night!
Get a used Velodyne DD-18. My room is huge, it is 22 feet wide 70 feet long with a 22 foot high ceiling. The Velodyne DD-18 brings the room to its knees begging for mercy. Fast accurate and tight bass. A real slam-bam earth shaker.
Also check out the Vandersteen subs. One is better for 2-channel systems seamlessly blending low bass with the main speakers, the other model is more geared towards home theater. And both are well-built and reasonably priced. Widescreen Review magazine wrote a nice review a few years back.