Best CD/DVD cleaners & tweaks?

I am interested in saving time and money by not trying every other cleaning or enhancement product on the market. Please pass on your recommendations and advice for CD/DVD cleaning and maintenance. I prefer to stay under a $100 limit. Thanks.

I think the best CD treatment is the Ultrabit platinum or follow-ons.  Expensive though.

You are better off to spend a bit more and eliminate the need to do any tweaks ever again to reduce jitter.  This is what you are doing after all.

A Synchro-Mesh reclocker will reduce jitter once and for all to around 8psec.  This compares to the 400psec of jitter you are getting now and trying to reduce with treatments.  Here are before and after measurements:

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

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Nice tip - elizabethagreed that tiny dust and smoke particles can damage the lens of any spinner.Happy Listening!