Tube amp sound issues help

I think I might of mix up 2 of my v tubs 10 & 12 In my amp what might be the result

Also the amp sounds a little dull or need to be a l brighter 

I went from a CJ Premier 11a to a ARC vs 110
the CJ sounded so much clearer to me  ARC base heavy high & mids not as clear 
anything I can do to brighten up the sound 
Thanks in advance for all help 
Two different circuits with different OPT's and different feedback schemes will certainly sound DIFFERENT! And no way to make one sound like the other! Don't fool around with sticking the small tubes where they aren't supposed to go! The stock tube configuration is the correct one!
You'll just have to get used to the sonic signature of the ARC amp! If you don't like it, sell it and go back to the CJ!
Contrary to the previous posts, the sonic signature of that amp or any ARC amp I’ve heard is nowhere near being classified as dull, especially the midrange and lower treble. I have heard the VS115 model extensively and if paired with the right speakers it sounds fantastic. You can check the ARC archives to see if you have installed the tubes correctly. You may also want to try a different tap - 4 vs. 8, and see if that makes a difference. Never heard the CJ Premier 11a and it might just be a better sounding amp.