Cartridge or Pre Amp

I recently picked up the Pro-Ject Tube Box DS and I am tickled pink on how warm and yet dynamic it remains. I’ve noticed that there seems to be some front stage darkness on some older records. Nothing more volume can’t fix. Would upgrading my AT-ML150 cartridge or the pre amp would this phenomenon or it simply a characteristic of the production and pressing of its day?

My setup:

Technics MK1200 MKII various upgradeds: wires, tonearm, etc.
AT-AL150/OCC Cartidge
Pro-Ject Tube Box DS
Bryston 4B3
Bryston Model T speakers
Simaudio MOON NEO Preamp


You forgot the law about recycling tube vacuum.

No mention about cleaning the vacuum.

My personal taste leans toward the use of natural vacuum instead of synthetic vacuum.  (I own a tanker car filled with liquified vacuum on a rail siding just outside Biose, ID.)

Cryogenic treatment of vacuum is essential.

Vacuum must be matched.  After all, mismatching tube vacuum just....   (wait for it....)  sucks.

My suggestion for creating natural vacuum is simple.  Just get your hands on a source of pure Hydrogen and remove the protons and electrons.  Neutrons will settle out at the bottom. 

It's possible to create even more vacuum by increasing the size of the vacuum storage vessel containing the vacuum.  The benefit of this is the increased purity of vacuum (see cleaning vacuum) and overcome the need to buy a vacuum cleaner.

Obviously sound can’t travel through a vacuum anyway. 😛

In space no one can eat ice cream. 🍦

Generally speaking, where low output MC's put more demands on phono stages that MM's, high output MC's put less demands than both.

In was quite normal to use MM stage for HOMC cartridges, but i never liked the result, actually optimal loading for HOMC is not 47k Ohm to my ears. Also moving mass is always higher with HOMC than with decent MM, so i think there is no advantages of the high output MC compared to some nice MM or MI cartridges. 
100K loading on most MM cartridges will create a very large peak around 10kHz. And possibly a small reduction throughout the midrange. In a fake way, this can make an MM cartridge sound more like MC. But is that really what you want?

There are three state of the art modern MM/MI cartridges available today:

Ortofon 2M Black (my favorite)
Nagaoka MP500
Audio Technica VM760SLC

My favorite phono preamplifiers:

Parasound JC3+
Micromega MyGroov