musicm: Sorry about your lose.
It’s to bad that some of the posters, on here, place themselves above everyone else and can’t feel good unless they’re being snide and insulting. Little wonder that some, in our audiophile community, post here a few times and never come back. The members of our forum will always have different likes and opinions and that’s good, but I, for one, hold little regard for snide and arrogance.
Scammers have gotten very good at setting up and quickly closing out accounts using fraudulent identities. It’s rather easy to wire transfer money into or out of any account and near impossible to catch a crook once their account is closed - since the identity/identities on the account was fraudulent to begin with.
Back in the early 2,000s, a good many ebay buyers got scammed out of many thousands of dollars - caught up in phony motor cycle sales, atv sales, etc, etc - claiming to take only wire transfers. Thus began the big push to get transactions to go to PayPal and most likely the reason PayPal has always been more buyer, rather than seller, protective. Now, it seems there are some shady buyers out there, who use PayPal’s favor toward buyers to screw and scam legitimate sellers.
A good wake up call and remind for us to be very mindful of how and with whom we do business
Best of luck...Jim