Klipsch vs Infinity

Infinity Irs Gamma vs Klipschorns. Which would you choose and why. 

@auxinput.......Khorns are full range horns, not just the mids and tweeters. @rvito . I, too, recommend the Khorns. However, they are quite far apart ( 17 ), and based on your listening seat, you could get a " hole in the middle ". My rule would be that you sit far enough away that you can see the center of both mid horns ( the grills come off ), and then experiment, sit a little forward, sit a little back, to achieve the presentation you prefer. The Khorns do determine your listening seat, because of the corner placement. They are hard to beat, imo. I lived with a pair for over a year, but in my particular room at that time, I could not get them right. I have opted to use Lascalas, with subs, because I am no longer restricted with placement. The Khorns are better than Lascalas / subs, but again, Khorns are very room dependent. I am not looking to scare you or anything of that nature. I am just trying to help. Enjoy ! MrD.
hole in middle = single center channel Cornwall......

which is after all why it was created ;-)
Tomic601....Yes, this was when the audio was monaural. I do not agree. I do not know anyone having this " single center " today in a stereo 2 channel set up. Maybe a pair of Cornwalls, keeping the L & R independent.  Enjoy ! MrD.
1959 is firmly in the world of stereo.....

have you heard what it can do ? w 17’ seperating K horns ?
i have at now defunct Custom Stereo in Columbus, OH

As has been pointed out, these are two entirely different speakers. REALLY different.
The Klipsch are horn speakers. They can play very loud, they are very efficient, they have great dynamic range, and they sound like horns. They are colored.

The Infinities are planar speakers and as such, are dipole radiators. They won’t play as loud, they will be harder to position in the room, and they will require better amplification. On the upside, they aren’t colored because there is no horn, and they won’t sound boxy, because there is no box. And, set up correctly, they will have better imaging. They are much more accurate than the Klipsch.

I listen primarily to classical and acoustic jazz. Given the choice between the two speakers, I would take the Infinity Gammas without thinking for more than a few milliseconds. See if you can find a nearby dealer where you can listen to some Klipsch and some Magepans. That will certainly help you make up your mind.