Music Server Recommendation

Hello AG community,
I have embarked down the path of getting my music off my computer (iMAC>USB Drive>Ethernet) and on to a dedicated music server.  Primarily I am looking for significantly improved sound quality and instant on. It will feed my DAC (most likely via USB). Need 4TB in onboard storage (no attached drives/NAS). I would really prefer to stay with Roon (have a lifetime sub) but will consider others with equal or superior functionality/sound/remote app.
Budget is $4-5k

My current primary equipment:
PS Audio DirectStream Jr/Oppo BDP-105
Ayre K-5xe Pre
Conrad Johnson MF2500a Amp
Vandersteen Quatro Woods
AQ Niagra 1000
AQ cables

I have been considering the below:

In the lead:
Antipodes EX (+ 4TB SSD)/Roon $5100
Innuous Zenith MKII Std/Roon $?? (can't figure out the US cost yet)

I really like the Antipodes especially the modular approach (ability to add a CX down the road), reviews and their reputation. Innuous seems like it may rival the Antipodes in sound quality. Both are not the easiest to buy or figure out sellers/distributors/pricing.

Aurender N100H $3000
Melco N1 MKII $??

Aurender is readily avail. Conductor app is generally well regarded. Would prefer the N10 but it is out of my range. I have heard some negatives regarding this unit being a bit shrill (definitely not anything I would be happy with). The Melco is very interesting and meets the sound quality std but is probably the fussiest from a setup perspective. Their software/remote app is probably the weakest of this group. Also confused about the 2 x XTB setup (is this a raid array or combined storage)?

What other products should I seriously consider in that price range? Is the budget sufficient for my requirements or should I look used or wait and save more?

Thank you in advance and look forward to your feedback

@audiotroy thanks. I need 4TB for my collection and future growth. Will be in touch if I go this way

@thewolfaudio Thanks Joe. I'll keep an eye out for your new models and glad the 4TB can be added

@koestner Looking for that one box device with storage


You are missing the point you do not need any onboard storage. 

You use a NAS and point Roon to the NAS and import the files that way 

A 4TB NAS is $400 to $800 which is way less then the 4TB SSD that Innuous uses for internal storrage.

There is 0 need to store locally as the NAS based store being pulled in via ethernet sounds just as good.

The new MK III Innuous will be impossible to beat, literally impossible for the money, only Aurender, Naim, and Lumin make their own motherboards, every other computer based server uses an off the shelf motherboard which may be modified but was not designed from the ground up for music.

Aurender doesn't do roon, Lumin is a Roon endpoint, but only a dedicated Roon server can do the full upconversion and upsampling which many of today's dac are emabracing for the best quality sound.

The new statment combines a crazy outboard power supply, femto clocks, custom motherboard, custom software, a custom digital output board.

The MK II  SE beat a SGM server yet cost less then half, the MK III servers will set a reference point that most small music server companies will not be able to touch. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
@audiotroy Hello. I know I don't "need" onboard storage. I want it. If you read my original spec I do not want to go down the NAS/attached drive path (right now).
I'm also not sure I agree it will sound as good coming from a NAS over a network vs an integrated player.

I can see why you are enthusiastic about Innuous

I would love an MKII SE, MKIII or Statement but that isn't happening based on my expected pricing (if a MKII Std 4TB is $6k)

If an SE 4TB or MKII 4TB becomes avail as the new models come out certainly contact me

Thank you

The onboard vs NAS arguement is a tough one for some people to get.

In the world of digital the packeted music going into the server may actually sound better than the onboard music via the ssd. As per packeted out that is a tougher call, as many fine dacs are only usb input.

We do have the Light Harmonic USB cable that has a femto reclocker built into the cable and boy is it amazing, it does cost $2,000.00 so it isn’t cheap but it beats everyother digital cable we have tested so far.

As per not embracing the NAS that is unfortunate we are running a QNAS with 8 bays and 32TB of storage with 21 TB active on a Raid 4 configuration and the QNAS Rocks.

If the reason you are not looking for a NAS is there is no ethernet in my audio room, most of these servers will require a Wireless to wired ethernet bridge to work as well.

The other option is to purchase a demo MK II and then upgrade it to the MK III when you are ready.

If you have additional questions please give us a shout we are one of the best stocked digital dealers in the country with the following digital products on display: Naim, Innous, Baetis, Lumin and Aurender servers,

Dacs, NAD, Mytek, Nuprime, Aqua Hifi, T+A, Light Harmonic, Lumin, Naim

Digital cables Wireworld, Light Harmonic.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

There have been good suggestions in this thread, but my personal favorite is the Lampizator superkomputer.  A lot of the performance is hardware, but also software and operating system.

I've found the Lampizator both had impeccable hardware and power supplies on top of being customizable more than others.  The SQ difference among the elite servers is a negligible, so I made the decision on customization.

 It's also by far the best looking and comes in a secure flight case to ensure less potential shipping damage.  If you've read stereophile or shipped lots of good in the past, you'll realize that tons of things break in shipping and it's not always obvious. Companies that pay extra attention to shipping get my business more than others.