Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Cabling is the least “sexy” part of our systems and, only until quite recently, I never gave power cords, interconnects, and speaker cables a helluva lotta thought. When I more or less finished with assembling the various pieces of hardware I’ve owned the next step, logically, had to be cables.  After all, I had an amp, a preamp, a dac, a disc player, a turntable, a streamer/server. What else could I spend money on?

Up until this particular moment I had been satisfied with the stock cables and whatnot that came with most of the aforementioned stuff.  Plug it in, listen. Simple. I bought my speaker cables at Radio Shack or Best Buy or whatever.  

My first dive into  spending more money/improving “things” was with a power conditioner - a Furitech something or other.  Okay, good.  

Then I read something somewhere, maybe here, about power cords.  Hmmm.  Okay.  I’ll go there.  

Got all the cords for everything that didn’t have one built-in. Wow, the cords certainly LOOKED and felt far more substantial than the stock cords.  Good. 

Then I went to interconnects.  Again, the simple color coordinated ones from stock or aftermarket were simply no good anymore - my equipment deserved better.  So I got a whole buncha interconnects.  Again, good. 

Mind you, I’m a pretty cheap bastard when it comes to parting with my money on things that are pretty much completely out of sight 99% of the time, so I went with the “cheapseats” versions of the brands I had read about.  Synergistic Research, Furutech, Goertz, Anti-Cables, Cardas, and a few others I’ve forgotten.  

Did going from stock cords and interconnects and speaker wire from Radio Shack improve things?  Well, yes - but to what measurable degree is debatable.  Was it worth the expenditure?  Well, again yes. Compared to my amps and preamps the cost to explore the possibilities was negligible. When I noticed an improvement I upgraded within the particular brand, when I didn’t I purchased other brands.  S’periments!

When I couldn’t detect a difference or an improvement did I feel that I squandered my money?
Nah. People here with far more technical experience than I will ever have convinced me that being curious about improving things is worth the minor expenditures I’ve employed.  

The dialogues for/against more expensive cables/fuses etc will never be satisfied.  Can you taste the difference between an $8 bottle of wine and an $80?  The answer is, sometimes. If you can taste the difference is it just different, or is one better than the other?  

Why am I submitting this in this forum?  Because until I heard Thiel I was satisfied.  After/since my first pair of 2.3’s it’s all been...tremendously fun.  I bought my first pair of 3.5’s from a guy in Massachusetts for $800, driving 3 hours to meet him in a parking lot. 

$400 apiece for speakers that sounded THAT good?
How could I not?   Alluva sudden I became aware that making whatever improvements I could made sense. Thiels made me an audiot - and I don’t regret it. 

Always good to see you- oblgny.

Thanks Much, for sharing  your personal cable journey. Hope you are well and gearing up for Summer.

Happy Listening!

Hello all!

Haven't checked-in in a while as I am currently in the process of moving from Baltimore to Denver for a new position.  Glad to see that my fellow Thiel owners are as active & passionate as ever!

I have made several additions & updates to my system. I still have my 3.5's with the Bass Equilizer that was recently repaired by Rob Gillum. Still have an all vintage Audio Research front-end with a D240 MKII solid-state amp (looking out for a second one so I can run them as mono-blocks), a tube LS-7 pre & a tube PH-3 phono stage. Turntable is my vintage Technics 1200 MKII with a Shure M97xe MM cartridge. Interconnects are AudioQuest Golden Gate RCA`s. All power cables are stock, plugged into a Tripp Lite LCR2400 line conditioner. However, I've made three important updates...

First, I am now using a Bluesound Vault 2 for streaming & digital file/CD playback duties. I must say that I am THRILLED with this product! It's so easy to use & it is extremely versatile. I was able to rip my 500+ CD collection to its internal HD & the playback is every bit as good (maybe better?) than I got from my Denon 2900 player. As far as streaming goes, I'm using it mainly for Tidal & can tell you that the sound quality is simply amazing. The Masters/MQA & cd-quality stream decoding is better than my former PC/Meridian Explorer 2 DAC set-up & the Vault doesn't have any issues with drop-outs or other connection problems. The Bulesound app is very easy to use as well & the integration to Tidal & Roon is excellent. I'm considering an upgrade to a Mytek Brooklyn DAC to get even better sound. My only gripe is that the Vault 2 can't rip/play SACD`s. Guess nothing's perfect...

The other thing I did was introduce some MIT gear into my system.  I've always been interested in their "Network Box" & "Poles of Articulation" technology. Well, I'm not technical enough to tell you how it works, but after replacing a fine set of Gotham SPK-8 speaker cables with their AVT-3 cables, I`ve noticed that my 3.5's have a fuller bottom-end with much more detail than before. The bass now goes deeper, with much more definition & presence. Mids are similar as before, but the highs are now better controlled, with a detail that never becomes shrill.  Any "bright" sounding tendencies are dramatically reduced or outright eliminated. For $120.00 used, best affordable update I have ever experienced!

To add to the MIT experience, I replaced the AudioQuest Golden Gates running from the Bass Equalizer to my amp with a pair of MIT Terminator interconnects. This opened things up further in terms of overall detail & added a dramatically deeper sense of depth.  I paid $80 for these cables & again, I couldn't be more happier with the added performance I got for the price I paid.

While I was extremely happy with my system before, I am now blown away with the sound I am getting. While I know that there are certainly limitations in sticking with the "vintage" route to system building, I can't help but feel like I'm getting way more performance & enjoyment than what I'm spending. And it all revolves around the Thiels. While my system components may change, I do know that they will change with the intention of making these remarkable speakers sing ever better!

Thanks for reading & I hope you are all enjoying your music!
