Remember that power conditioning consists of three things -- RF filtation to eliminate hash, surge protection to suppress voltage spikes, and also battery backup to eliminate voltage dips. However, most battery backups cannot be used with amplifiers or other high current/high wattage devices.
Any UPS at your local electronics retailer will do those things (excluding backing up your amplifier) for less than US$100. I use an old Adcom ACE 515 and a Monster Power HTS850 (neither of which I recommend), both plugged into a CyberPower UPS, giving me three layers of surge protection and hash filtration, and one layer of battery backup. Eventually I will get rid of the first two products and just use the UPS, with my amplifiers plugged into the filtered-but-not-battery-backup outlets.
Any UPS at your local electronics retailer will do those things (excluding backing up your amplifier) for less than US$100. I use an old Adcom ACE 515 and a Monster Power HTS850 (neither of which I recommend), both plugged into a CyberPower UPS, giving me three layers of surge protection and hash filtration, and one layer of battery backup. Eventually I will get rid of the first two products and just use the UPS, with my amplifiers plugged into the filtered-but-not-battery-backup outlets.