Cleeds says: "Your mind is made up : mind is made up...because, among other attributes, I am intelligent and smart. And this difference of opinion is something you should want to be on this forum. It is what discussion is all about.
Yaysayers crack me up. You spend untold thousands of dollars on what you decide is a kickbutt audio system...and the more you spend the more you need to spend more on all the little gimmicks that others convince you will "Make an Improvement." And, of course, once you spend that all that on one gimmick (that almost always sounds better) the more you need the next one. That’s why you are getting close to replacing your home’s wiring and breaker. Holy Moly...after you do that, what is next? This: Spend even more money on a new system and start all over again.
Yaysayers seem to have no concept of the value of money and the value of products. is your money to spend as you want. And it is my privilege, on this forum, to continue to criticize what I see a poor advice to naive visitors to this site. mind is made up...because, among other attributes, I am intelligent and smart. And this difference of opinion is something you should want to be on this forum. It is what discussion is all about.
Yaysayers crack me up. You spend untold thousands of dollars on what you decide is a kickbutt audio system...and the more you spend the more you need to spend more on all the little gimmicks that others convince you will "Make an Improvement." And, of course, once you spend that all that on one gimmick (that almost always sounds better) the more you need the next one. That’s why you are getting close to replacing your home’s wiring and breaker. Holy Moly...after you do that, what is next? This: Spend even more money on a new system and start all over again.
Yaysayers seem to have no concept of the value of money and the value of products. is your money to spend as you want. And it is my privilege, on this forum, to continue to criticize what I see a poor advice to naive visitors to this site.