Static electricity pulled the rubber mat right off the Turntable!

Howdy folks!

Lotta static with the TT. Rush lifted the rubber mat right off the SL Technics 1200 GR table tonight! I live in Miami Florida with a billion percent humidity.  I keep the humidity at 55 to 60 percent while I'm gone and drop it to 45 percent asap. Better grounding? Better wall socket? Pre play were dead of static. Lifting it, it's charged!


Your case is exceptional, Brent
I have 4 different turntables and never experienced anything like that with the static, but as i said if you could start with the basics you may not need anything else. $10 Carbon Fiber Brush must be used each time before you play a side of a record. And simply $60 Antistatic Gun, it works like that
It's good that you're open minded about GG.  I've used it on brand new records before I had a RCM and I thought it worked well,  Just follow the directions and don't use too much, but don't use too little either or you will end up charging the records like rubbing a balloon on your shirt till it sticks to the wall.  2 short bursts, rub the pads together and apply it smoothly to the surface.  Maybe allow the stylus to play through 1 time to remove excess residue and you're set.  
I would not feel comfortable about using anything on my LP is that I was expecting to be “removed by the cartridge after one or two plays”. Or similar words to that effect. There are certainly many other options that come before that seemingly dangerous one. Who wants the gunk on the stylist tip?

Furthermore static electric charge build up is most commonly associated with a dry, low humidity environment. So there may be something else going on in the environment to cause such a huge amount of static buildup.
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I guess my point was that even if the 0P is successful at reducing the humidity from 60-65% ambient to 45% in his house, 45% humidity is not particularly low. Certainly not low enough to account for the massive problem with static electricity.