TIGER PAW "Tranquility" (Magnetic Bearing Repulsion...) Any Good?

I have stumbled across a new LINN LP12 enhancement called TIGER PAW TRANQUILITY.

In essence, it uses magnetic discs and is said to relieve the bearing of 90% of the platter weight - so a lighter load means a quieter bearing.

Online endorsements seem to be overwhelmingly in favour.

It's pricey for a non-LINN part at about GBP400 + Shipping, but seems like a great idea.

Just wondering if anyone here has tried it?  Any feedback?
Anybody here using a Radikal D power supply with the Tranquility?

@mre28m5-- Why did you skip the Cirkus bearing mod? This mod is IMO a real game changer...gives you a lot of what you described in your post above.

I’m still on the fence about the Tiger Paw Tranquility mod...too many naysayers around, plus I don’t want to have any issues with the speed control...which is now really amazing.
davey- I have the Radikal D power supply and have found no problems with speed control utilizing the Tranquility....

Thanks. Does the Radikal D recognize the speed in the same amount of time as before the mod?
davey- I can honestly say that I have not heard any speed fluctuations with the Tranquility in place..zero..nada