Power Cables

Is it necessary to use the same brand and model of power cables for the amp and pre-amp? Any thoughts about mixing and matching? I know it all comes down to how they sound, but would love to hear your inputs or tips to guide me in the selection.
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There is no doubt in my mind that power tweaks (circuit, outlet, cable, conditioners, etc.) do make a difference to the sound of the amp. And the direction of improvement is always toward the higher priced tweaks. I can say this from personal experience.
This is not delusion yet it makes no sense ... to the pragmatic audiophile ...nor, I suspect, to the design engineer of the amp or the tweak.
I think we just don’t know enough about electricity (nor reality). Personally, if we are living in a simulation, some alien joker coded: IF {’snake oil audiophile fix added’} THEN {’make music sound better in brain of listener’}. That’s my guess.
It all seems ludicrous until you try it and hear it yourself. And if you can’t afford it don’t worry about it. Case closed. Moving right along...