ARC Ref 6 plexiglass cover

My brand new ARC Ref 6 black was delivered yesterday 6-15-18 from ARC and to my big surprise was the twice as thick plexiglass cover that came with it. I had bought a used Ref 6 silver,natural finish that i had problems with it from the shipment (came damaged ) any way the year that the used one was built was 2016 and had the twice as thin plexiglass cover which seemed to melt on top of the power supply tube. It looks like ARC corrected this problem and now uses the twice as thick plexiglass cover , i can not see this cover melting and causing it to bubble on top of the power supply tube. Nice improvement ARC !!!  And i will tell you that right out of the box it sounds AMAZING..
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Adding any other  footers under the existing ARC ones would not be a good idea as the sorbothane in the existing feet will fight the new footer. The one option that would work would be small sub based/platforms under each existing foot. Ron sells a set of these, cost is about $200. I guess you could also try an inverted footer that rises to a point like the Synergistic ones (which I have never liked)

As I said I get it to work with two points of contact on the chassis and one on the undercover (the design of the Marigo mystery feet is such that they end in points which is wher contact is made).

I have also tried bits of material above the footer to bring the chassis and sub cover level but this sounded terrible
By the way is the undercover on the Ref 6 truly plexi? If so all my rules about contacting it are out the window as plexi is so much less rigid than the older metal under covers I have, I’m not sure I’d like any footer contacting plexi
@folkfreak  Please look at my system on the virtual systems. Just posted pictures of the bottom of the Ref 6...
I see, that’s plexi for sure. You can easily remove the existing rubber feet which will give you some more room to play with. The bigger issue may be the rear where there is even less clearance behind the plexi. In all my installs I’ve ended up needing the rear foot to be on the bottom plate not the frame.

All in it may be that a set of four feet that screw into the existing ARC holes may be a better bet. The Nordost sort fut can be purchased with threaded adaptors for example.

Anyway as you can see ARC have still not made any progress from the super basic feet their amps have always come with
@folkfreak   I guess ill just play around for now. I did buy the Vibra pods and cones for now and waiting for them in the mail,as my pockets are empty from buying the new 6 lol. But really not sure if they are better than the ARC basic feet.