Yes, but is it a fair analogy to compare recordings to images? For example, if you attempt to enlarge a low resolution image beyond a certain point it only becomes pixelated and distorted, doesn't the same apply to recordings?
This is often an argument used by high-end salesmen when your favourite recordings sound worse through their speakers. I can still recall how bad 'You Are the Quarry' sounded through Quad 2905's. I know they're great speakers but are they really too good for most recordings? Too much resolution?
Or perhaps they just weren't mastered through a pair of Quads!
This is often an argument used by high-end salesmen when your favourite recordings sound worse through their speakers. I can still recall how bad 'You Are the Quarry' sounded through Quad 2905's. I know they're great speakers but are they really too good for most recordings? Too much resolution?
Or perhaps they just weren't mastered through a pair of Quads!