Monitor Audio Made in China?

I just bought a Monitor Audio Silver RS-LCR and it says on the box "Made in China". I thought monitor Audio speakers are made in the UK.
I was equally surprised and disappointed when I bought my GS60s 2 years ago. But nothing about the build quality or sound suggests any corners were cut. The cabinets are just gorgeous. Although it would be nice if they were still made in the UK
I recently bought a pair of MA BR 5 (made in China) and a pair of S6 (made in UK). Both are excellent for what they are and I see NO difference in quality.
To go with the tone already set, I would like an opportunity to "rant" as well. As I'm sure we all know, this conversation actually has little to do with the speakers in question.

When asked what language a friends child should study, I suggested Chinese. When asked why, I replied; so they can communicate effectively with their boss.
I received a very dirty look in response. Perhaps I should have suggested Hindi as well. 30 or 40 years ago I could have suggested Japanese.

Everyone in the USA is pointing fingers in every direction to assign blame for our current situation.
Sending all our capital overseas for years and spending what's left to fight 2 wars for 10 years has its consequences.

The problem is that no one wants to take responsibility.
Of course, there are always those who want to point fingers at the unions, the classic scapegoat if there ever was one.
Blame the labor, not the capitalists or the government. Yes, they're the ones who did it!

Meanwhile there are Americans who got away with billions (credit default swaps, derivatives and securitization of mortgage debt) in our latest economic catastrophe and very few people even know their names or care. And THEY came very close to causing total global economic collapse. Their snake oil was of massive scale, we're not talking cryo and power cables here folks. But we should blame the unions, shouldn't we? Or maybe just people who get vacations and medical benefits in general.

I find the Republicans latest talk of "class warfare" as nothing short of Kafkaesque and as such, extremely frightening. As I see it, the Republican party's basic premise has always been class warfare, the elite class against the unwashed masses.

BTW: The Chinese owners of Volvo have one factory in China and plan to build another, so expect your Volvo to come with the "Made in China" sticker soon.
Sometimes I don't know which is worse, defective Chinese manufactured products, or defective (or outright deceitful) American financial products (where garbage debts get packaged as high quality triple-A bonds), which most Americans and the world got suckered into buying and which caused the global financial crisis and most of us a huge chunk of our retirement savings, and where our beloved bankers are now laughing all the way to our taxpayer bailed-out banks... Yup, it's those damn Chinese manufactrers! It's funny how the pot is calling the kettle black....
12-21-11: Avguy
"Sometimes I don't know which is worse, defective Chinese manufactured products..."

What is worse than defective (or poorly made) Chinese-manufactured products is high quality Chinese manufactured products. That's when we're really in trouble and it's happening.