Monitor Audio Made in China?

I just bought a Monitor Audio Silver RS-LCR and it says on the box "Made in China". I thought monitor Audio speakers are made in the UK.
Rja...."they only call it class warfare when the middle class fights back"."they" were enjoying a middle class genocide for so long....coping with resistance now seems so unfair and un-american =). when someone mentions "trickle down"....i always check my pant legs.

if you guys really want to see some "made in country x" spin/BS...start collecting watches (i do). "swiss made"?? LOL. you'd be shocked to learn where many of these watches that have "swiss made" stamped on them originate. seems audio mfg's at least have the balls to mark stuff as made in china when it actually is.

Take solice in the thought that if they were made in the UK you couldn't afford them.
Yes, I've always considered the "trickle down" economic theory to be the "trickle on" ploy. 8^)
Didn't Reagan call that "tinkle down"? == the rising tide that lifts all boats.
Sadly I know a lot of peoples' boats that were flipped and lost in the Wall Street wake.