MA9000 VS MA8900

This is one of my first post here, I am readying up for a Amp upgrade, I currently use the Wyred4sound Mpre & Mamps to a Kef Reference 1.
Great & very underrated Amps those tiny Ice amps, the bass control these have are incredible for the price.
Now I am bitten by the upgrade bug, and have put up the Wyred Amps for sale.

I have auditioned quite a few Amps including the Accuphase E650, the T+A HV3100, Gryphon Diablo etc., & the Mcintoshes, I thought all of them were every good.
The stand out was the T+A, I really think it is the best integrated available right now, but it is way outside my budget for now.

I am now seriously considering the MA8900, I really liked the sound I heard at the brief audition., as a bonus it comes packed in with a DAC & a very good phono.
Can anyone who owns it comment on their experience.
Can someone also comment on the difference in sound with the MA900.
@beyondarkness @marsrecords very informative posts, thank you. Somehow Mcintosh gear does not get the credit they deserve, which is rather unfortunate.

@everest_audio  thanks for your post,
I did audition the Hegel H360 multiple times, as the dealer offered killer prices for it, but I never liked it, i found it way too dry for my liking.
im not looking at Class D amplification at all, as that is something i’ve already experienced, so no Bel Canto. On a side note, one the best Class D’s id recently heard was the SPEC amplifier.
This hobby, for me, is about trying new gear and this upgrade certainly won’t be the last for me, so I am also looking at gear that retains it value. From what ive seen, can’t beat Mcintosh on that.
If the Accuphase has similar resale, it would be close call between the MA8900 & the E650 ;)
@chachi112 thanks for your comment, I guess sound is a very subjective matter, I didn't like the sound of the Hegel all that much.
Totally understandable and I could see how the Hegel could have possibly sounded a little dry or thin. I’ve heard their equipment in other set ups and didn’t like it nearly as much as I do in my room. Have you thought about giving the Pass Labs integrateds a look? 
@chachi112 totally agreed, I think it is always about system synergy., I haven't heard the Pass integrated yet. I shall do so this week.

I've heard great things about Pass integrated amps or their amps in general. I've never heard any Pass gears before as we do not have any Pass dealer in my area but I'll be psyched to be able to hear one some day.

I would also highly consider the following integrated amps : 
* Audio Research Foundation integrated.
* Naim Unity Nova (streamer / DAC / integrated amp all in one chassis). 
* Devialet (any models according to your budget). Naim also makes a pure analog integrated amp some at much higher price points than the Unity Nova.
* Classe Sigma 2200i stereo integrated amp. This integrated amp will digitize its analog inputs. It is a direct digital amplifier. No DAC. 
* Rega Osiris integrated amp.