The best mini monitors you have heard?

Two ways, either stand-mounted or small floor standers. If you have good experience, could you share? I have been using the Kharma 3.2s for a few years, so take that as my reference point. I have heard the Magico Minis...impressive initially but too aggressive for prolonged listening..and arguably overpriced IMHO. I haven't heard the MKII version. I recently heard the Dynaudio Confidence C1, driven by Plinius electronics. I was impressed, esp when i found out it can be had for 1/3 to 1/4 the price of the 3.2s or the Minis. What else is out there? please share.
I have to say I heard a few and in my apt the Proac super tablettes were to me just the ticket. The best imaging I ever heard just floating in space all hocked up to a pair of quicksilver 8417 original monos.
My Reference 3A Dulcet sound mighty fine with VAC Musicbloc tube amps.

I agree with the above poster about the Dynaudio C1 -- a very good monitor (clearly better than the very good Special 25).

But Audiomachina's (Dr. Karl Schuemann's) Ultimate Monitors, which I just purchased and have been listening to over the last week, are the best monitor I have heard. The name says it all.