preamp inverts polarity

I have a DeHavilland Ultraverve 3 preamp that inverts polarity.
my problem is my speaker cables, the negative cable is designed for negative terminal connection as is the positive cable is designed for positive terminal connection, so reversing the speaker cables defeats the design of the speaker cables.

what am I to do ?
Got some bad news, Wolfie. You is officially deaf. Is it too late to request a full refund from your trade school?
Please Kaitty, don't tell the various venues who keep hiring me for my live sound mixing/production skills...I wish I had a closet full of dusty magic rocks and various snake oil sonic remedies so I could enjoy being a failed imaginary "Industry Insider." THEN I'd get some respect!
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Well, relative to Kaitty at least I work in the live sound business, where in his case he seems to work only for the cheap shot.