Spay for CD

Is anybody had experimnent some liquid to be spray on CD, to help having a better readings of CD ?
What are your appreciations about them ? 
What do you think the product make, to have a better audition experience ?
Thank you ?
I've tried a multitude of sprays on my CDs including expensive ones like L'Art du Son. I've found the eyeglass cleaner fluid (under 3 bucks for a large spray bottle) sold at Walmart to be just as effective as anything else I've tried. In addition to cleaning the surface with the Walmart stuff, I demagnetize the CD with a Radio Shack video tape eraser. That's it ... for what its worth.

Static charge is a separate issue. Which is why ionizers or anti static sprays are often recommended. But static charge is not affected by demagnetizers. So we still have the dodgy problem of magnetism and why demagnetizing the CD improves the sound. This, ladies and germs, is looks like a real and legitimate mystery we have on our hands.
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