Are there any really good cd cleaners out there?

I was wondering if there are any really good cd cleaners on the market . Like maybe an ultra sonic cleaner? Right now i am just using a spray cd cleaner and a cloth. Thanks...
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Optrix CD Cleaner is very good, inexpensive in price as well.Happy Listening!
Plastic lens cleaner at Walmart Eye center give it a try, you might be surprised! 
@2channel8..... La Art du son cleaner came a few days ago..Been using it since and it is an excellent cleaner. Takes off all marks and prints that i thought were on for good. Leaving it like a mirror finish. Also giving it an excellent sound quality that i haven not heard before i used it. Alot more detail in the recordings. I highly recommend it. Will def continue to buy more.
Digital Systems and Solutions. The most highly recommended products. (The person who spoke of prints and marks ‘that he thought would never come off’ - is from another planet. CDs just don’t get that dirty. But I’ve just given you the company with products real afficiaonados “rave” about.) Enjoy.