Upgrade to AMR DP-777 SE or look elsewhere

 My AMR DP-777 is broken, and I have the opportunity to fix it with an upgrade to DP-777 SE.  The cost would be about $1400 (upgrade+usb->spdiff converter+coax cable).

 However, DP-777 SE version is old: 2015. It might be a better idea trashing the AMR, and  spend $2000-$3500 and get something modern, like Shitt  Yggdrasil,  some used DS Direcstream Jr+BridgeII, Metrum Onyx, etc, 

What's your opinion?. Go the cheapest option (upgrade the AMR DP-777 to SE  version and add a decent usb->spdif converter), or burning $2k-$3.5k to get a modern DAC?. 

DAC's usage: 50% vocal jazz, 15% pop, 15% rock,  10% electronic, 10% all the rest. DSD is irrelevant for me, my library is 80% redbook and some high-res files 24/96, 24/192. The source is a laptop with files in a NAS, amp goes with valves, and I want nothing sounding digital or fatiguing after many hours of music in the background. 



I  was in the exactly same thing as you (amr dp-777) and I did the upgrade...
Do it, it worth all the trouble...
I have no regret at all...
But you will need at least near 500 hours of burn-in before fully enjoying it...  Don't judge before that time...

I have an AMR DP777 and if it were me, I would have it repaired and upgraded. I agree that for you, the answer should depend on whether you liked the DP777 before it failed. My understanding is that the SE primarily adds more bass slam/authority. If you don't mind my asking, please explain the " usb->spdiff converter+coax cable" part. I use USB only and I wonder if I could get the upgrade done only on the power supply and any other circuitry that only pertain to USB for a lesser charge. Probably not. I have not heard the Schitt Yggy or the Metrum Onyx but you should be aware that the AMR is designed to sound very analogue and I can't help but suspect that the other options are going to sound more characteristically digital (more clarity, detail, and definition at the expense of some sharp edges to notes that some. like me, find irritating over time). Look at is this way; the better a DAC measures on JA's workbench, the more likely it is to sound "digital" rather than analogue. This is just my humble opinion which many here will ballyhoo. 
@fsonicsmith ,

 the usb module of the DP-777 SE is seriously outdated. Now, we can buy a usb gen 5 -> coax converter relatively cheap, as the schit Eitr, or x-matrix spdif-2 more expensive with more features.  The BNC  input of the DP-777  is  pretty good, so the best is probably to buy a converter.

The issue with the DP-777 SE is that is not very popular, and no possible to find reliable comparisons with more modern DACS. 

Well spend the money to get it fixed then what ? what could be next to go wrong ?
 My opinion the Schitt Yggdrasil analog 2 dac is a screaming good deal and a better dac in my opinion of the following three that I have owned. I moved on from PS Audio Direct stream dac senior purchased new in November 2017,  Denafrips Terminator purchased new in February of 2018 and a tried out used Metrum Level one Pavane that I borrowed.
i am quite happy now using a CEC TL2N transport and the Yggdrasil analog 2 .