Integrated amp + dac for Focal


Looking for recommendations for an integrated amp with built-in DAC. Main inputs will be mac mini usb + optical for mostly 2ch music and some HT use. Will be used with Focal Aria 948 in 8 X 15 x 38 ft room. The NAD C372 with a Cambridge DacMagic 100 is what I'm looking to replace with the new unit.

I'd prefer to buy used and like:
Pass X250 (keeping the dacmagic dac)
Parasound Halo Integrated "HINT 6" 160 W
Cary si-300.2d

What do you think?

Thank you!

I used to drive my Sopras with a Mcintosh MA8000 then moved on from McIntosh to Hegel. The H360 would definitely be worth a look. It has a pretty nice sounding DAC as well
Hegel looks interesting too. thank you.

any takes on the cary SI-300.2d?

I actually have a NAD C370, not C372 as op'ed.

If you can find one used I suggest the Pass Labs INT-250. I have one
connected to a ModWright OPPO and B and W 802 D3s. The sound is simply extraordinary. The Pass can deliver amazing dynamics and all the power you will every need.  I have not heard a tube amp that can do what the Pass does in the bass/lower base while producing excellent mid and highs. 
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