Who said “ flat freq response “ is the best?

I have a dumb question?

who determined that the “ flattest frequency response” is the BEST?

we are all looking over specs and note all the +\- dB deviations from flat and declare it bad?

are we cattle? Or did someone like J Gordon Holt declare it?

 Or am I missing something 

Anyway, I think about stuff to much...lol


There are some other important technical parameters to consider. Dynamic range, sensitivity, response to square wave, distortion. Frequency response is probably fourth or fifth down the list.
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With multiple drivers the crossover from the tweeter to the mid/bass is critical. Often its hardly ever smooth enough. Too many issues with dispersion, plus the mid starts to struggle as all drive units tend to break up badly at their extremes.

With treble units its usually at the low end where a lot of male voices are.
@elizabeth ,  I think you are absolutely, and without any doubt in my mind, 1000% correct!!!

Easier said than done sometimes maybe...but not impossible (if you don't confine yourself only to the most immediate possible causes and are persistent). And that will pay ever bigger dividends the further one can take it - even if someone decides to take it past the point where they feel it may already be 'good enough' - always plenty of unrealized rewards to be mined there.