Of course, the problem is - as I’ve been saying all along, he’ll-loo! - is there are many reasons why folks sometimes don’t get the results they were hoping for or were expecting. That’s why I have said a test, in and of itself, means little, especially if the results are negative. Even for carefully conceived and executed tests. It’s because there are too many things that can go wrong with any test, many of which are behind the control of the intrepid tester. I say that as having more testing experience than the average bear, including billion dollar electronic systems. Please, no angry emails about Appeal to Authority.
Psychologically, being a self anointed Doubting Thomas probably doesn’t help. Perhaps you could say it’s a self fulfilling prophecy. “How will I be able to face my fellow pseudo skeptics?” It’s like a lot of tunes and tweaks - it’s helpful to evaluate this thing or that thing in a system that has evolved to a point where there is more of a chance of being able to hear it. Many systems are simply too, uh, what’s the word? Oh, yeah, rudimentary.
I return you now to your regularly scheduled program, As the Troll Turns.