Legacy Focus HDs

Lust received and hooked up my Focus HDs. Upgraded from the 2020s. Wow! I was worried because I loved the 2020s but yes these sound better. Any harshness in the highs are gone. The mid drivers are excellent and brought the mids to more accurate. The bottom end is still there but more accurate and well defined. No more bass issues. Very pleasing to listen to. If anyone has been scared to make the move to the HDs-Dont be. If you like the 2020s you will love the new HDs. Email any questions and I will be glad to try to answer them. Oh-The fit and finish is also better and the hardware such as binding post are a big upgrade as well. Good job Lagacy.
Steve: If you are able, try to pull them out from the back wall 3-5 feet. Depending upon your room, you may find what I did that this improves the sound stage in all dimensions and deepens/sharpens the bass, etc...In short, these speakers love breathing room. FYI, toe-in is usually measured albeit informally, in degrees...According to various people I've talked to and my own results, a good toe-in is approximately having the super-tweeters aimed at a spot directly behind the listening position though I'm not sure this is the only way to set them up so they sound great. This arrangement works well for me here but results may vary depending upon your room, imaging and staging preferences, etc....

I would love to pull them out but I have a wife to keep happy. Maybe I will see if I can eek out another 1/2 foot or so.

Why do the super-tweeters need to be aimed at a spt directly behind the listening position? I assume you mean aimed at my recliner? What is the benefit of this.

It may be my imagination but I seem to get less bass when I angle them more. I would say they are aimed to the left and right of my chair. Just a slight toe-in.

Could be your room and what works best. Having them angled to L and R of your chair does aim the speakers approximately where I was referring to (behind the listening position) but at an angle that works great for your location.

You reviewed the Cambridge Audio 840c. Have you tried it with the Focus HD speakers? If yes, how did it sound?

Yes, Steve, I did spend extensive time with the combo of the Cambridge 840C and the Focus HD speakers. They are wonderful components together. The Azur is an excellent player at the price, and the Focus HD an excellent speaker at the price - and yes, they do meld together quite, well... nicely!

Considering that personal tastes vary, I found them to be highly compatible, and would not hesitate to recommend them to be used together. Via amp and cable selections I think a vast majority of people purchasing those two would be able to assemble an immensely satisfying rig. I especially appreciate the "Digital In" feature so much that I purchased a second 840C for use at my office. Both of these proudcts are packed with value for the audiophile, and they both perform very well.

I have been experimenting with the use of Digital cables as ICs in order to add warmth to Redbook playback. I have more testing to conduct with different digital cables to determine if the added "warmth" is an artifact common to all digital cables or if it is only with the Wire World Gold Starlight that I am getting such a pleasing sound. I didn't find the Cambridge treble to be harsh or etched, but use of the Gold Starlight digital cables as ICs has improved many components' sound by adding a wonderful golden glow much like a fine tube amp. I found it was especially helpful with putting a touch of warmth in Class D amps' performance.

I would enjoy discussion of this if people have two identical digital cables and would care to comment on how they impact the sound when used as ICs.

I am fully aware of the "inappropriateness" of using digital cables as ICs, but I like experimenting and once in a while an amazingly good sound will result. In some set ups I have enjoyed the digital cables over even balanced ICs.

Anyway, I highly recommend both the Azur 840C and the Legacy Audio Focus HD as highly affordable products with excellent performance. If you are considering purchasing either I suggest you read the reviews of them so as to be familiarized with their idiosyncrasies and virtues.