Bel Canto ACI600 vs Black EX Sepates

I'm trying to decide between these two Bel Canto beauties for an office setup. Both are similarly priced.... The ACI 600 is an integrated version of the 55k Black system. The Black EX separates are the more budget friendly system.

Whatever I choose, they'll be driving KEF Reference 1's.

I'm looking for advice/impressions from people who have owned these systems or heard them at an audio show/dealer. What are the pros/cons of each setup?

Please, no advice on different electronics or speakers.

Here's the question I asked Bel Canto directly.....

I’ve been busy saving for my new office system and it’s between the ACI600, Black EX Amplifier+DAC, or the Black EX Integrated. My local dealer only carries the REF600’s and hasn’t heard what I’m considering so thought I’d follow up directly with you. The electronics will be driving KEF Reference 1 speakers within a 10’x14’ office. Sound-wise, I’m a bass player so I love rich/tight bass, luxurious mids and clean but non-aggressive highs. All types of music except rap and hard rock. I’m wondering about the following:


  1. What are the differences between the ACI600 and the Black EX separates? Relatively similar pricing. Different sonic signature? Any sort of comparison chart for these two?
  2. What am I losing going the “budget” route (Black EX integrated)?


Thanks in advance for your assistance!

And here's what I heard back.....


These are not easy questions. I would say that the ACI600 is a richer sound while the EX separates are perhaps a bit tighter and more dynamic. There is also a liquid quality to the ACI600 that EX might not quite capture. The EX separates have the true dual mono amplifier so the bass definition and ‘slam’ is going to be maximized here.


Comparisons hold true for the EX integrated with a slightly softer sound than EX seperates but similar resolution to the other products, not quite the liquid character of the ACI600 nor the ‘slam’ of the EX separates. In any case these are exceptional products and performance and feature set for each of the price and product categories. Can’t go wrong with any of them!