Krell KAV-250a/3 or KAV-500?

I have a Krell HTS 5.1 and Thiel CS 1.5s, and I'm trying to decide which three channel amp to get. I'm strongly biased toward matching the preamp and amp, so I'd like to get something else from Krell. Does anyone have any opinions on the KAV-500 (in 3 channel configuration) versus the KAV-250a/3?
Thanks Dave, I'll definitely check out balanced connections. I have an integrated amp now (an old Creek), so I don't have amp to preamp interconnects. I'll have to demo a few different things to see what I like the best.

Other than power, do you think there are any differences between the KAV-250a and KAV-500? I've listened to the 3250 and know I like that, but for financial reasons I'm going to be going with something a bit older. The 250a goes for a bit more than the 500, but if there's a marked difference in sound quality it would be worth it. If not, I'll go with the 500, and use the extra cash for media.
Donnelly asked:

"Other than power, do you think there are any differences between the KAV-250a and KAV-500?"

I don't know, my best guess would be that they sound a lot, a like. The biggest difference in sound, between amps cut from the same cloth (IMHO) is the difference between their power supply/transformer size. This would come into play (or not)...depending on the speakers used, room size, spl's required...ect. At normal listening levels (75-85db) I would expect, that the Kav amps sound similar.

The Kav-500 "does not" sound like the old Ksa-250 I had. The Ksa-250 had a relaxed tonal presentation...the Kav-500 has a more forward sound, more detailed (lots of twinkle)... I never thought it bright though. I liked mine.

As I mentioned above, though. If I had speakers with tweeters, that were "a little over the top" in the treble area of reproduction....they would now be, more so.

You could try the Kav-500?...the three channel Kav goes for around $1,300-$1,400 used...pretty easy to sell, easy to ship if you don't like it, (50 lbs or so).

I paid $1,400 for mine, sold it a couple years latter for $1,400.
