Gryphon vs. D'Agostino

To anyone who has had the opportunity to hear both, please compare and contrast the latest Gryphon and D'Agostino amplifiers.
((((Reminds me of the Ayre KX-R Twenty. But better.)))
(((System Synergy is So Huge!)))
 Did you ever try the KXR 20 with any of your latest gear?
When I had the Ayre KX-R Twenty, I had a few amps around. I had a pair of Ayre MX-R Twenties, a pair of AtmaSphere MA-1 3.3s, and an Audio Research Ref. 75 SE. The Ayre preamp was not easy to part with. It was extremely transparent, and dynamic. I only parted with it, eventually, because I sold all those amps for a D'Agostino S-250. The S-250 really sounded fantastic with an Audio Research Reference 6. And I always had the option of running directly out of my Berkeley DAC, so I really had no need for the Ayre preamp. But it was very, very good.