EL34 in triode vs 300B/845 SET

Hi All,

    I thank you ahead if some of you already helped out with my previously related post.  Quick story, I currently use a Dared VP-300B SET and just loving the sound but since I'm using B&W805 D3 I keep wondering if better higher current/watt amp would further impress me.  The best SET in the market seems to be 805B driven by 300B, very very expensive (thinking Line Magnetic 219ia).  I've been reading that EL34 due to it's design gets very close to 300B SET when wired in triode mode.  It seems far more economical to get the romantic lush sound and lots more power (relative to SET) with EL34B in triode then going 845/805 tubes (especially considering high heat).  Any anyone can share experience with above since there're lot of EL34 triode/UL amp out there these days?

    I'm also wondering since Dared VP-300B is a very entry level 300B SET, if upgrading to more expensive ones like Line Magnetic or AudioSpace or Cary...etc would make big difference with fuller body sound?  Or maybe SET is SET and won't get too huge leap of a difference.


If you are willing to give up the SET topology yet stay with the 300B tube, Canary Audio has a number of push pull amps that will drive your speakers. 
An amplifier that operates push-pull with 300bs is likely not in the budget as proposed. I suspect that the amplifier that will be used will be an ultralinear amp based on 6550s/KT88s.
thanks trelja for the first hand feedback on Consonance amps!

thanks for everyone else's continual feedbacks, so many choices... so little money... sob sob
Suggest you reach out to @aricaudio and see if he can be of help. All the best.