Upgrade to AMR DP-777 SE or look elsewhere

 My AMR DP-777 is broken, and I have the opportunity to fix it with an upgrade to DP-777 SE.  The cost would be about $1400 (upgrade+usb->spdiff converter+coax cable).

 However, DP-777 SE version is old: 2015. It might be a better idea trashing the AMR, and  spend $2000-$3500 and get something modern, like Shitt  Yggdrasil,  some used DS Direcstream Jr+BridgeII, Metrum Onyx, etc, 

What's your opinion?. Go the cheapest option (upgrade the AMR DP-777 to SE  version and add a decent usb->spdif converter), or burning $2k-$3.5k to get a modern DAC?. 

DAC's usage: 50% vocal jazz, 15% pop, 15% rock,  10% electronic, 10% all the rest. DSD is irrelevant for me, my library is 80% redbook and some high-res files 24/96, 24/192. The source is a laptop with files in a NAS, amp goes with valves, and I want nothing sounding digital or fatiguing after many hours of music in the background. 



Before sending your AMR in, I'd try to get some loaners in home to get a 'feel' for their performance. I realize it isn't easy, but it can be done. Some DAC manufacturers have return policies. Some dealers can be persuaded if you are a serious buyer. 

Once you hear what other DACs sound like within your system, I believe the decision to upgrade or not will fall into place and be the right one.

All the best.
For the record, Denafrips recently announced that Mike Powell, owner of Verastarr and located just outside of Atlanta, is now their official US service center.


thanks for your amazing  comments, sharing a lot of valuable first hand experience. 

Yes, the second hand value of Directstream is very low, but  official prices are always ridiculous in this business and I thought it was something normal. 

@dlcockrum ,

after reading @in_shore comments I took a look at the Denafrips page. Needless to say, the Terminator looks terrific:  isolation, thick metal, very nice modular board, linear power supply, full of pictures showing what's inside.  All the basic checks passed.  It  does not look like the typical garage audiophile product.   

However,.... sorry, I don't trust any Chinese thing without western support and warranty.  The info they provide about themselves in the site is vaporware, not address or names to send the police if the thing burns the house.  

Last time I checked, Atlanta was considered to be located in the west. :)

I am not aware of any manufacturer (US made or otherwise) that offers fire protection, but several do offer DACs with comparable or even better performance vs the Terminator for $10k and up that you can choose from.

Cortes I’m certainly no authority on dacs, I find the influence of dacs like speaker choices , just personal taste . 

The Denafrips Terminator paired with the PS Audio Direct stream memory player really surprised me , I wasn’t expecting the Terminator to better the PS Audio dac . My buddy was just curious if the pin layout of the l2s connections were compatible with each other and secondly just to hear the Denafrips in a system with speakers .
I immediately liked the terminator , it easily compared well with the PS Audio and surpassed it with far better instrument separation laying out the sound stage much differently and to my liking .

There was an annoyance with the PS Audio components with screen freeze ups not often but on occasion along with the fact the Denafrips was less money .

$6000.00 US for the PS Audio , Denafrips $4500.00 USD delivered to your doorstep including top rated support and a pretty good warranty, 

I did get cold feet over Denafrips not having any North American representation also using it with the PS Audio player for unknown reasons the Terminator would reverse channels upon first start up , I would have to go through the modes to reset it each time I wanted to listen to music .
As for this Chinese design and built component , I give them high marks and finally try your best for in home trials from dealers or manufacturers dacs are a personal taste.