Recommended phono stage to go with McIntosh


Looking into upgrading a few elements in my system and would like to hear everyone’s comments/suggestions on how to best move forward. System looks like this:

Piega C10 Ltds speakers
McIntosh Mc402 amp. Possibly adding an extra to run mono as the Piegas like their juice.
McIntosh C2200 preamp
Technics 1200 GR turntable with stock arm
Lehmannaudio Black Cube 2
Carts are MoFi Master Tracker and Vasari Gold Note
Chords are Audience and Shunyata

Upgrading the phono stage, arm and carts at some time. I only have MM carts now. McIntosh does have a recently introduced phono stage, not sure how good it is. Budget for the phono stage is $3000?

Your thoughts suggestions on how to move forward. Thanks!
@riley804 I truly understand your point and agree. I love the system as is, BUT the Lehmann is the weakest link. I do enjoy the ride. I've clocked A LOT of hours of this system. I love the vinyl end so much. It's spinning every second I'm home. (Besides of course when sleeping)

Thanks for the rest of the suggestions. The Herron looks very easy to use which is important for me. 

Listening to the "Man in Black" right now...


I enjoy vinyl also and that is all I listen to. I missed the boat on the whole streaming thing, so I just stick to records.

is the Lehmann the weak link because you think it is compared to everything else in the system ?   being new to vinyl, how would you know its the weak link unless you have had something to compare it to ?

are you buying new vinyl or shopping for used as well ?

only issue with most of the system being tubes is when a tube goes out, so would make sure that you have spares on hand for each piece.