Valve phono stage

I’m considering switching to valves for my phono stage... can any of you guys recommend any with balanced outs for around $3800?

Current phono stage is Whest PS.30RDT.

I’m currently using a Roksan Xerxes 20Plus with Origin Live Encounter arm & upgraded Lyra Skala.

Or would I reap great rewards from an arm upgrade...?


Dear @infection: No single tube audio item ( everything the same ) can compete with SS designs as your Whest in some critical issues when we are talking of LOMC cartridges: noise levels, distortions levels, frequency response bandwindth, RIAA eq. deviation levels, output impedance level, etc etc.

I think that a better way to go for you for less money is to buy a Lyra Kleos that's is superior to your Scala and comes with the same main design motor than the Atlas/Etna that the Scala has not.

What and why do you are not satisfied with the Whest? it's the Whest the culprit you are not satisfied or other audio items in your audio system chain?

Don't make the same " mistakes " that all those gentlemans that here recomend this or that tube phono stage because is the WORST place to use a single tube.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
@infection: You can choose for the Kleos SL that's even better than the Kleos, your Whest can handle its lower output with no problem.

No single tube audio item ( everything the same ) can compete with SS designs as your Whest in some critical issues when we are talking of LOMC cartridges: noise levels, distortions levels, frequency response bandwindth, RIAA eq. deviation levels, output impedance level, etc etc.
This statement is obviously false. If it were true, there would be no vacuum tube phono sections.
@atmasphere - Facts contradict your salemanship approach on balanced connections.  However, we agree that tubes can better solid state.  It's ALL in the design of the electronic components.  

@rauliruegas - I'm now looking to sell my system & replace with valve.

 The current system replacement contenders are Herron & Atma-sphere.

So the Herron VTSP-360, VTPH-2A & M2 or Atma-Shpere M60 & MP-3 (with phono stage)