Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Your words make perfect sense and personally I find $600 to spend on a "tweak" with no knowledge of its true nature and operation a little hard to swallow.

However I would never disrespect said product and product purveyor on those grounds alone.

With that being said I have purchased other tweaks on general feedback from this forum and not had a bad experience so far.

Still unsure if I can mentally accept multiple $600 purchases on a tweak yet.
Just to put into perspective in my minds eye, my "main" CD player cost me $8 postage courtesy of Geoff Kait!

But am I going to,or indeed should others ,cry foul for that reason alone? I truly do not think so.
That was my point and just my thoughts.
@uberwaltz When I designed this mat, I am acutely aware that the price might be to much for all music lovers, and budgets. I want everyone to be able to have this technology. Very very shortly I will release the next,
and only size to the Omega.

The size will be 1/10, the power will be 1/10, and the price will be 1/10th of the Omega. This size will have a couple of unique applications that the big mat
cannot due to size.

The important feature to me is allow anyone to get a healthy taste of what the big mat will do at a ridiculous inexpensive price with the same
30 day guarantee.
@perfectpathtech - A "trial size" at 1/10 the price with a 30 day money back guarantee is a great idea!  The smaller size also means it can be used in many different areas and applications. 
amg56 sez:

  • "just the usual enthusiasts gushing about a blacker sound floor; having gushed about the same results from mega-buck fuses, wall plugs, Graphene treated coagulant fluid and so on, such that the black sound floor could not get blacker or the change be any more audibly discernible unless measured with a meter."

What you don't seem to get is that there is an inordinate amount of electronic noise emanating from all of the electrical components in our systems. With each of the above tweaks you mentioned, a certain amount of that electronic noise was eliminated. Therefore, with each tweak that you mentioned, the amount of electronic noise eliminated incrementally lowered the "noise floor."  This is noise that exists ... but you aren't aware of it until its gone. 

Again amg56 ... you certainly have the right to state your opinions, but its obvious that your opinions aren't based upon experience or facts ... and are totally based upon emotion. 
