Pre and Amp Suggestions

Given the way these things go, I’m almost afraid to ask this question but here goes: I’m finally at a place where my front-end and speakers are at “destination” level-at least for me....for now.  My question is where and what to upgrade between these two extremes. The speakers in question are Revel Studio 2s which I love, and the front-end dac/streamer is the Lumin T1 ruining Roon. The Lumin feeds into an analogue bypass section (no digital conversion) of an Anthem AVM60 going in turn to two 200 watt mono channels of a Sherbourn 7300. In trying to answer my question, I would appreciate keeping to the following parameters:

-no suggestions of other speakers or front end gear, I’m in a good place where I am right now.
-no suggestions of power conditioners, cables etc. Let’s just stick to the gear.

Just looking for pre and amp recommendations (or really good SS integrated amps). The sound right now is quite neutral, but perhaps a little lean but very revealing. I’m not looking to drastically alter the sound or play louder, just looking for more of the “good stuff”, resolution, staging etc. Might consider a tube pre or hybrid but really have no interest in an all tube power amp or massive class A space heater anymore. Ok let the games begin!
Oh, are you sure about that X60.5 monos?  I think you are seeing the XA60.5 monoblocks.  The "XA" series is full Class A amp which does get hotter and sucks electricity. Nice if you want a very smooth softer sound - would sound nice on your Revel speakers.
Thanks auxinput. Yes I meant the xa series. Even though I self eliminated class A amps, these I would make an exception for. I’m going to keep a close eye on the Pass marketplace over the summer, hopefully a nice gem will pop up. Thanks
I would encourage you to investigate the PS Audio BHK series products.  I am using the Signature preamp and the 300 Monos with my TAD CR-1’s, which can get too bright with the wrong inputs. The BHK stuff suits them mighty well.  Buying used, I am confident that you could find their Signature preamp and the stereo 250 amp within your budget.
Go beyond your budget and buy D’Agostino’s preamp and mono amps...I can assure you that you will listen to your rig a lot more because you simply will not be able to afford to do anything else.
Wolf....too funny, and too true. I have always had a soft spot for Dan’s work and used to run a pair of his KMA100s back in the day.  My first real taste of hi-end sound. I have considered a 302e, however they seem a little scarce on the used market.