Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
t_ramey balanced power.

Omega Mat is like having a conditioner that takes up no rack space requires no AC power and no guici power cord. 
It is portable so you can put it wherever you think it may work the best. You can take it to a friends house to demo..there is no muss no fuss..nothing to tear down and hook back up. Heck you dont even need to put it on Audiopoints to allow it to perform its best..I will try it under a cello decked out with my reactive devices. Tom
@uberwaltz  I have committed to a have website done by the end of this month. I will launch the card with the site. Not here to discuss my business plan, but being able to produce this thing in volume is a big concern of mine.

@resolution1 yes the power strip would be perfect for the cards, the mat is way to large, and the strip will benefit.

@amg56  I do have one question (amongst many that I know will not be answered), but how can you really tell what effect this Omega E mat is having on your system when there are so many "tweaks" you have already applied to your system?

I will answer it. regardless of the number of tweaks in a system, the power in both is not subjective. It is so strong there is no mistaking
it. Fact is, achieving a killer set up is lots of time and money regardless whether you use my products or not or in your words impractical.
You seem to want dismiss the honest testimonials of other members.

You have also glazed past my post earlier today, about the why I do not want to go into detail about the construction or why about my product in detail. Do you not care or respect that I want to protect my intellectual property and product? Sure seems that way. In lieu of my position I offered the money back return to offset the controversy.  I hope you can see my point of view.


Sounds good to me Tim
Best of luck with the website and the venture in general
I will be waiting.....
@perfectpathtech  It would obviously be foolhardy for you to reveal all that has gone into the R&D of the E-Mat.  I would hope most of the sharp minded folks here get that.  Being a strongly dominant left-brainer, I like to know as much as possible about a phenomenon so as to fully appreciate it's nature.  

I think it was Frank who mentioned our ears as the test equipment for devices such as your's.  I wholeheartedly agree. The ear-brain interface in humans still surpasses any measurement regimen IMHO.  

Looking forward to seeing your site.


Is if flexible? Do you put component feet on it or it on the component? (which may lead to overheating). Is it thick/thin/smooth? 12 inch square?

I am stretching the information friendship, but nod if I am the correct direction, if it follows on from the other tweaks from the same source, it would be a progression of the TC enhancer, it might use the same material, over a larger area to utilize Graphene's properties to capture emissions of a component, grounding them? or redistributing the field evenly thereby smoothing the sound field? or floor? appearing to "lower" the sound floor by taking the strongest interference and diverting it elsewhere...

Am I close? Without saying so?