Ob, Used gear offers great opportunity, with some cautions. Most gear, including Thiel speakers use electrolytic capacitors. Even very high quality E caps have a projected life of 25 to 40 years. Rob says he has never seen a Thiel outright cap failure, but nonetheless, their performance deteriorates with time, causing migration of crossover points and slopes, or a vast array of parameters in amps. Some old gear becomes non-inspiring due to this performance deterioration. So, you might pick up used, under-performing gear on the cheap and have it re-capped for like-new performance, or upgraded for better than new performance.
In your room, you might consider Conrad-Johnson or other tube gear. Pay attention to its damping factor and bass management. Tubes can be very sweet.
Best of luck with your system rebuilding.
In your room, you might consider Conrad-Johnson or other tube gear. Pay attention to its damping factor and bass management. Tubes can be very sweet.
Best of luck with your system rebuilding.