Away from my thread for one day and found quite numbers of replies. First come first, thank you so so much for all your inputs. I’m so thankful to have all of your advice! I’m a newbie to A’Gon forum, and I truely appreciate all your sharing. I believe that’s the power of internet and knowledge sharing. As a hobby, audio or so called “hifi” have bring me joy for the pass fourteen years. I did spent “some” money and learn “some” lessons, and proving that some comments above are very true. In short, this is a hobby and with no right or wrong. Sometimes the fun comes from the trial and error. You can pay a big bill but earn nothing, or take a free advice and got a big jump to the result. That’s the magic!...sometime my wife never understand...LOL
Well, still staying at the crossroad between H360 and PM10......
Well, still staying at the crossroad between H360 and PM10......