Pre and Amp Suggestions

Given the way these things go, I’m almost afraid to ask this question but here goes: I’m finally at a place where my front-end and speakers are at “destination” level-at least for me....for now.  My question is where and what to upgrade between these two extremes. The speakers in question are Revel Studio 2s which I love, and the front-end dac/streamer is the Lumin T1 ruining Roon. The Lumin feeds into an analogue bypass section (no digital conversion) of an Anthem AVM60 going in turn to two 200 watt mono channels of a Sherbourn 7300. In trying to answer my question, I would appreciate keeping to the following parameters:

-no suggestions of other speakers or front end gear, I’m in a good place where I am right now.
-no suggestions of power conditioners, cables etc. Let’s just stick to the gear.

Just looking for pre and amp recommendations (or really good SS integrated amps). The sound right now is quite neutral, but perhaps a little lean but very revealing. I’m not looking to drastically alter the sound or play louder, just looking for more of the “good stuff”, resolution, staging etc. Might consider a tube pre or hybrid but really have no interest in an all tube power amp or massive class A space heater anymore. Ok let the games begin!
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For the amps I would do Pass Labs.
For the preamp I would go with tubes- that is if you want to reduce that 'leanness' which is a common complaint with solid state.
We make balanced tube preamps, so does BAT, ARC and Aesthetix and there are a few others. IMO/IME the ARCs tend to be a bit leaner but you may still want to do an audition.
The Pass is balanced of course, so it can take advantage of a balanced input. The reason to go balanced is that if it is done correctly, there is no going back to single-ended because if its done right, the interconnect cables no longer editorialize on the sound. Balanced lines were created for this very reason. To really take advantage of this capability though, the preamp and amp should support the balanced standard. The Pass Labs does, as does the BAT and our stuff but the ARC and Aesthetix do not, which means you may have to try different cables with them to optimize the playback.
Good luck!
Thanks Atmosphere, I am already a balanced practitioner. Much prefer gear that is truly differential. Not sure why you say the ARC is not balanced, the LS25 and VT100 is used to own definitely were. Though I do agree they were on the bleached side of neutral considering they were tube units. I think the pre was mostly to blame for that though with the 6h30 tubeset. 
Not sure why you say the ARC is not balanced, the LS25 and VT100 is used to own definitely were.
What I was saying is that although the ARC stuff is balanced, it does not support the balanced standard.

An example of how this is so is in a balanced line, the signal occurs with respect to its opposite, IOW the signal is the non-inverted and inverted aspects together, with ground being ignored. The ARC preamps do not ignore ground- each signal occurs with respect to ground rather than its opposite. The makes the preamp unable to control problems in the interconnect cable, meaning you have to audition the cable with the preamp, obviating some of the advantages of going balanced.
I.......did not know that. Thanks for the clarification Atmosphere. I learn something new every day. Cheers