Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
  that is a good point jafreeman,  maybe I should think about putting my mat under the power conditioner or cd player?

Placing the Mat under my CD player made a significant impact in my main system while the effect on the dac in my office system was not as dramatic. When I took I the Mat from the dac to the breaker panel, I found that the overal sound in the main system improved.

That wonderful relaxed quality to the music, which Frank spoke of in his original review, is something that takes time to develop with the Omega. It is well worth the wait! 😁

I know that after two weeks of the mat staying in one place it gets really good. Who knows, it may continue to get even better after that?
I advise putting one mat on the breaker box panel. It affected all audio systems in my home (two main audio systems and two video/audio systems). I’d like to know what difference others find on their TV video screens. Colors appear more saturated. Has video resolution improved, my wife thinks so but I can’t tell.

The dynamics, frequency extension and resolution improvement were apparent immediately. Mid-range smoothing came next after 24 hours. That relaxed quality is what I’m waiting for.

My Yello-Touch CD is so much improved, better than on an $850,000 horn system I heard it on. A great test recording even if one doesn’t like the music.
Lots of exciting places to try the Mats! All of my components have been treated with a combination of Total Contact+ synergistic Research ECT’s. Except the Pass Lab amp which has not been treated. All components sit on SynergisticResaerch Tranquility Bases and the listening and viewing rooms have Synergistic Research Atmosphere units.
Putting a Mat at the breaker box will potentially help three systems. One home theater system with a 4K video, the headphone system, and lastly the Horn system with the relatively untreated Pass Lab amp.

I will of course be trying other locations but will be slow and take it a step at a time.