System Rebuild

Fellow Agoners!

  Need some input assembling “the last” system. (Famous last words!) Cannibalized system to pay for doctoral studies and now I’m suffering audio DT’s and need to get my music back! However, funds are very limited @15K and I need speakers, Tube preamplifier, and digital source. I listen to 95% jazz, all idioms. (60/40 vinyl preference) Imaging and tonality are most important. Last speakers I owned were Scansonic MB2.5’s….and no, I never got rid of the bass boom despite owning for over a year and putting many hours through them. My dedicated listening room is 16 x 30 with 7.5 ceilings! I have Ethernet connection and power direct to panel just for this room.

Former components were PS Audio Direct Stream with Bridge, AR LS17, Primaluna Dialogue Pre, Aesthetix Calypso. Cables are all Analysis Plus Silver Oval or Solo Crystal Oval.


What’s left is my analog setup – anchored by ZYX 4D and AVID Pellere phono stage, and Quicksilver V4 mono tube amplifiers – KT150 version. What I’m considering:

Speakers in order of interest (used/demo):

1.     Nola KO I

2.     Acoustic Zen Crescendo I

3.     Harbeth 40.1

4.     Focal 1038Be

5.     ScanSonic MB-6


Digital in order of interest (used/demo):

1.     AYON CD-3sx

2.     Lumin D2

3.     Mytek Manhattan II


Tube Pre in order of interest (used/demo):

1.     BAT 33SE

2.     Primaluna Dialogue Premium

3.     Audio Research Ref 5


I’m also remotely considering all-in-one such as Lyngdorf 2170/3400 or Micromega 150.

I don’t listen loud. Emmerson into the musical experience is my goal and passion.


Thanks in advance for any comments.

Ag insider logo xs@2xcommunique1
bond, how’s the soundstaging and imaging with the Ohms? I’ve only heard them at shows and always felt they had more of an “enveloping” and diffused sound and a blur soundstage. Of course the hotel rooms in shows are never ideal.
Everyone will finally mention how much your room affects the sound. The Lyngdorfs with Room Correction will have a major effect. I would team the Lyngdorfs with the speaker of your choice. 
The Aesthetix Romulus is a CD player DAC preamp also just get the volume control option, they are reasonable used
It has tubes Analog section with fpga filters, excellent DAC, upgrade path, Faraday cage, etc
i have heard the Ayon it’s good, quite good
i chose the Pandora Sig with a REF5se 

Agree with Nola KO given what you're looking for.  Upscale Audio selling off version 1 for $6900, which seems like a great deal.  I'd have Don Sachs build me one of his SP14 preamps with upgrades for around $3000, and add a non-upsampling DAC like a Metrum Pavane Level 3 (last I heard Mytek seems to be unresponsive, so I'd be wary there).  Given what you're looking for I think that'd be a killer system.  Anyway, best of luck in your quest. 

kalali - The Ohms are a little different than standard dynamic loudspeakers.  Yes, they have a really large soundstage, tall wide and deep.  I have found, however, that they image surprisingly well, especially for an omni.  Part of this is that the tweeter is not omnidirectional, and part of it is that designer John Strohbeen just knows how to design and voice loudspeakers.  As my front end has improved over the nine years I have had the Ohms, every aspect of their sound has improved, including the imaging.  Now, I won't tell you they have razor sharp imaging (which, IME, you don't get with live music, either).  But there is enough imaging so that you can clearly point to an instrument or vocalist within the soundtage.  On decent source material, the speakers completely disappear into the soundstage, too.  So, I guess it depends on where your priorities for speaker are.  To me, the Ohms are a Goldilocks speaker - affordable, fun to listen to, and respond really well to electronics and cabling upgrades.  I have heard the Ohms at two audio shows.  Both times, I thought my own system with Ohms sounded better, a lot better.  John Strohbeen likes to demo his speakers with mid-fi gear.  They work well this way, and I suspect Ohm does not want their speakers to be known as tweaky, or demanding of high-end electronics.  Yet, they are so well designed, IMHO, that they just keep getting better as your source gear, cables and amplification improve.  At list prices, I now have about $8000 worth of electronics (excluding my vinyl rig) in front of the $2800 Ohm Walsh 2000s, and I do not see this as a mismatch at all.  (Disclaimer:  I do run them with a pair of Vandersteen 2Wq subs and crossovers, because, well, I am a bass freak.  Many Ohm users run their speakers full range with no complaints about the lower octaves.)

Look at it this way:  You get a 120 day in home trial (which you will need because they do take a while to break in).  There is no better way to audition a speaker, as far as I am concerned.  If they aren't for you, you're out the round-trip shipping.

(I have no affiliation with Ohm Acoustics other than being a satisfied customer.)