Speaker Choice for Almarro 318B

Guys, I'm a budding audiophile looking to jump up to tube amps after a few years with an Arcam/B&W integrated combo. I've become smitten with the Almarro 318B integrated tube amp and now I'm in the market for some affordable speakers that will suit the amp better than my B&W DM 602 S3 speakers. The room is approx 14'X 16', hardwood floors with a small area rug, celings are approx 10' high. Speakers will need to be placed close to the wall. I listen to an eclectic mix of music that veers from noise rock to experimental electro acoustic to HEAVY avant metal ala Sunn O))) to more traditional things like PJ Harvey and Radiohead. I'm in need of a good speaker recommendation. I've been looking into Green Mountain Audio Europas, Zu Tones, Gallo Ref 3.1s, and the Omega Super XRS speakers. Can anyone point me in the right direction here? If I had the cash I would get the GMA Callistos based on reputation, or the Zu Druids, but I don't think I even have the space for these speakers. I am leaning toward a used pair of Europas for $650 shipped. Should I take the plunge? Please help! I want a speaker that will be a noticeable step up from my current setup...Will the GMA Europas mix well with the Almarro 318B? Thanks!
07-26-08: Darkmoebius

But, put the A318B on a slightly harder to drive speaker, like my 90dB/4 ohm Jean Marie Reynaud Twins monitors, and it really sang. I think the A318B needs to move a little current to sound it's best and >95dB speakers just don't get it into it's working range where things sound fully fleshed out.

I agree with you wholeheartedly . . . the A318B definately seems to like to be goosed a bit. When doing so over the last few days, I've noticed much greater depth / dimension soundstage wise - "fleshed out", as you say, more or less sums it up best.

I have Tekton Design Lore speakers with my Almarro.
At 97db, it sounds incredible.
I had Monitor Audio RS6's at 92db and it sounded very good.
The A318B is a giant killer that has plenty of current and lots of forgiveness.
I found as with most systems, tubes, cables and IC choise will go far in what you get out of the A318B.
JW Audio
There is ONLY one speaker I can warmly recommend to you.
Coral Beta 8 inch ir 10 inch.
I have a few pairs and never found anything better.