Pre and Amp Suggestions

Given the way these things go, I’m almost afraid to ask this question but here goes: I’m finally at a place where my front-end and speakers are at “destination” level-at least for me....for now.  My question is where and what to upgrade between these two extremes. The speakers in question are Revel Studio 2s which I love, and the front-end dac/streamer is the Lumin T1 ruining Roon. The Lumin feeds into an analogue bypass section (no digital conversion) of an Anthem AVM60 going in turn to two 200 watt mono channels of a Sherbourn 7300. In trying to answer my question, I would appreciate keeping to the following parameters:

-no suggestions of other speakers or front end gear, I’m in a good place where I am right now.
-no suggestions of power conditioners, cables etc. Let’s just stick to the gear.

Just looking for pre and amp recommendations (or really good SS integrated amps). The sound right now is quite neutral, but perhaps a little lean but very revealing. I’m not looking to drastically alter the sound or play louder, just looking for more of the “good stuff”, resolution, staging etc. Might consider a tube pre or hybrid but really have no interest in an all tube power amp or massive class A space heater anymore. Ok let the games begin!
a $10k budget? there is almost too many options of mixing and matching! 
lots of good suggestions so far: Pass labs, Luxman, Atmasphere, ARC, Allnic, etc.

Dont overlook that Allnic that @soix suggested. It is an $11k tubed Pre that is selling in the classifieds for a paltry $3500 or so. Soix might be the seller, but no big deal. If I had the bones, this is what I would buy, or a tubed Atmosphere with a SS amp. 

but I agree that a hybrid system is more called for her b/c of the Lumin server DAC that, although is highly reputed, is still a "digital" device with a vulnerability of sounding too etched on the high end. and b/c an owner of the Revels noted a vulnerability of the tweeter sounding a bit too metallic. 

But you dont want Class A, so you can cross out the Pass Labs options. 

I dont blame your not wanting class A, I use Class D amps currently to keep the heat down and the energy bills down. Consider a quality class D amp with a tube or SS preAmp, like Bel Canto REf600 monoblocks, or any of the designs that are well-reputed on the Audiocircle website forums (D sonic, James Romeyn, etc).  look for the NCore switching designs, they are particularly good. 

Thanks for all the responses and suggestions, lots to ponder here. It’s likely I will go with either a Continuum S2 or Levinson 585 generally because they are more available. I’m still keen on a Pass INT250 or even harder to come by, a Vitus RI-100. I really have no dealers locally who carry any of these so it will be a leap of faith no matter what I get, unless I get ambitious and take a trip to NYC for a vacation/listening tour. 😎
Ok, let us know what you decide, 
but also consider the PrimaLuna hybrid tube/SS amps ... 
I’ve used a number of amp topologies over the years, including Spectron class D switching amps, other class A and AB amps, both of transistor and tube designs. There are a lot of decent well-designed amps and integrated units. 

My favorite? A set of ATC internally-powered speakers (ATC SCM-20A). No need for external speaker cabling.

But for a $10k budget, I would recommend the John Curl-designed Parasound gear. 
I can second the Spectron class D amps - start with a single unit and add a 2nd one when funds allow for a mono block set up with tons of power - add a Modwright LS36.5 dual mono preamp to provide a tube flavour and you have a great match - especially good for speakers that have low impeadance at higher frequencies- you should be under 10k used with a single Spectron and the MW preamp