Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Impressions after first E Mat placed inside the sub breaker panel.
The E Mat is attached to the inside of the outer pannel door so it is not exposed to the outside sun and weather. It is not attached to the metal plate that actually covers the circuit breakers.

I have been following the break in process by watching and listening to Blue Ray movies on my AV system. Forty Five inch Sony 4K TV 2017 model with an Oppo 203 Player ( upgraded with Oppo power supply, analog sound board, improved cover to transport mechanism, and SR Blue fuse. Audiophile grade wall outlets, power cords, interconnects, and power conditioner are used. The sub panel individual wire connections- hot, neutral, and ground have all been treated with Total Contact .  Also all cable connections have been treated with Total contact. All in all a system that has had a lot of effort to maximize the audio and visual aspects to watching movies.

I use the wonderful Blue Ray edition of the  movie- The Fifth Element to evaluate changes to my system.

After three days the visual quality is significantly improved. The edges to images are sharper, details like the weave of fabrics easier to see, and the front to back focus of the images in a scene are sharper. There is less blurring during motion sequences. Colors are richer and the black white difference is greater. Movies are more fun to watch visually.

Audio has also improved with better clarity and a better sound stage that matches  the size and depth of what is visually seen.

The E-Mat placed at the whole house circuit breaker position has significantly improved my already optimized AV system.

I next will be evaluating the Mat's effect on the separate audio system and the separate headphone system.

After this Mat has been in this location for seven days, I will add Mats to the components of these three systems to see where additional benefits can be obtained.

I have previously tried several Bybee IQSE in my system and I find the E-Mat to be a better product for my audio-visual enjoyment.
David Pritchard
One aspect that has been overlooked is that a mat will affect the component above and below it regardless of shelving according to Tim.  My components are in a vertical rack and I have placed one under my Preamp, magnet side down on the shelf.  Immediatley below this is my PS 10.  My second is magnet side down sitting on top of my Sony Sacd player and below my Meridien 508 which sits on top of the sacd player.  My top shelf  has my turntable.  My VAC monoblocks are on separate floor stands.  This was Tim's suggestion.  I might add he has been very willing to help me find the best starting place for the mats.   I added them a week ago and I have found a a significant improvement in the sound stage in all directions, especially depth.  The timbre of each instrument is more there-the only way I can explain it.  The result in not terribly subtle-my wife with hearing aids noted all of this without prompting.  It's clear from the discussion that the next mat will be in the breaker box.
I have previously tried several Bybee IQSE in my system and I find the E-Mat to be a better product for my audio-visual enjoyment.
Did you try an IQSE inside the breaker panel door?
Concerning the Bybee IQSE:

I tried one inside the circuit breaker box at the same location as the E-Mat.The IQSE certainly did affect the sound. But in my systems the result was too much damping. The sound was less 'alive'. The IQSE seemed to have a greater effect on some aspects of the sound than others aspects. It is less expensive and works well at it's price point. The Tweek Geek was very easy to work with and does sell the IQSE with a 30 day trial. The E-Mat is more expensive and for me does more things right. I am looking forward to how the system sounds and the 4K TV looks  at the 10 day mark with the E-Mat in place.

David Pritchard
My wife and I notice more vibrant colors, maybe more 3-D like depth and sharpness on our TVs.  We tried an E-mat on top of our cablebox which sits on mini-ultra stillpoints and is plugged into an SR red duplex.  The results were that we couldn't see a difference.   Maybe we should try the bluray player but I don't want to take away even one E-mat from my audio system.  Just one E-mat on the main breaker panel improved the TV audio (outboard systems) with much deeper/fuller bass and overall improved sound.