New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

Wig, tuffy +2, Thanks Doug, I decided to just pick up the aq adapters at Music Direct , since I have the Teo GC and initial impression is it will be hard to go back to single ic...Soundstage got bigger, musically effortless, more black background and 3D. Sound is more fuller...
And this will improve more because I only heard it for 2hrs.Markr , will post his impression here, 
To test Doug Method play Fairfield Four CD , STanding in the Safety Zone...excellent recording...
For orchestral music it’s like really live....Instruments are in their own places...plenty of air and more air....
This is what I found out , As good as my other system, I felt  the it  sound a bit flat after I listened to my system with Double ic, well another $57 and maybe  good decent ic will do, to have Double ic on this second system...