Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS

I am just curious, why charging buyer, in such a blatant way, for PayPal service that SELLER is enjoying? If those 2-3% will 'impoverish' given seller, why not including them in selling price? As a matter of principal, i'll never buy from such a seller!

Everyone has different thoughts, but whenever I see an ad that says "paypal add 3%", it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.  I would not buy anything from these sellers.

Sellers - wake up!  This is not something that will help you sell your stuff.  Just list your pricing with the expectation that YOU will cover paypal costs.  This is just like any other vendor that will cover credit card fees if you choose to use a credit card.  No penalty for using a credit card or paypal for the consumer.

PayPal requires sellers to pay 3%. So sneaky sellers are trying to pass this off on unsuspecting buyers. And getting away with it! Don't patronize sellers that do this!

Odd how this has been brought to the surface.

I created a thread on this subject about 2 years ago and the vitriol that was poured forth you would have thought I was suggesting sacrifice your first born rather than refuse to pay the PayPal fee as a buyer!

How times change......
Post removed 
Truly admin?
Just what about my last post was deemed worthy of being removed?

Well let us repost it (worded slightly differently to see if content or) and see what happens.

When I see on an ad "buyer pays 3% paypal fees" or similar I just move right along no matter if I am truly interested in the item in question.

However what I found even more ludicrous was a couple of dealer ads that suggested that the buyer should not only stump up the paypal fees but also THEIR Audiogon selling fees as well.

Needless to say they received emails which they did not have the decency or courage to reply back to.