Apollo R + Codex v. different CDP or Ayre QX

My current system is an Ayre AX-7e with Apollo R or MH 5 TT as source, with Sig 2 Ce’s.
 I mostly listen to CDs and look forward to more streaming via Tidal or Spotify Hi Rez(use both).
Ultimately I plan on following the Ayre/Vandy upgrade paths. 
Ive been thinking of adding a Codex and using the Apollo as transport to the Codex via Toslink, vs adding a different balanced CDP, vs waiting for Ayre to release more in the 8 series. 
As to other CDP’s I was thinking of a used ARC CD8($4,500- IDK on tube hrs), or Cary 306 SACD($2,750), both of which have BurrBrown DACs and balanced output l. 
A recent conversation with a dealer that’s expert in Ayre and Vandy, suggested I wait for the 8 series release, and hinted at an Ayre spinner release in the not distant future. 
@tomic601 Can you suggest a glass Toslink cable? I see them online from cheap to rediculous prices. The one I found so far that looks good and is still reasonably priced is Lifatec 
@jetson Wireworld Supernova 7

i believe another poster also recommended this

@jetson Lifatec looks great
I may order a B stock to test
thanks for the tip !!!!!!
Sure thing!
I must have missed the Supernova suggestion. Sorry. 
The Lifatec has more strands, but nowhere does either mention strand, or total cable diameter. Still, at approximately half the cost, I’ll try the Lifatec first. 
@tomic601 If you have the Supernova, and do an A/B comparison, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the two.